Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mommy's Little Vanilla Cupcake

Our nearly eight month old has a new nickname. Mrs. Scott has started calling him "little vanilla cupcake." She's also called him "vanilla bean" but the cupcake moniker seems to be sticking.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Creepy Crawly

Our seven month old is now fully crawling around the house. He started up on all fours a few days ago. Previously, he crawled on his belly for over a month. He can overturn the laundry basket and pull things down off of low shelves. We got the door gates out. Watch out!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Christmas In February

Each year, we have at least four Christmas celebrations. On Christmas Eve, we celebrate with Mrs. Scott's family on her mom's side. Christmas morning we celebrate with our immediate family at home. Christmas evening, we celebrate with my side of the family. Then, due to busyness with everybody else, we celebrate with Mrs. Scott's family on her dad's side. This year saw some of his younger daughters in college or working, etc., and the only time we could gather was yesterday, in February. We went to the Nut Tree and had ice cream at Fenton's. All the kids played games and went on the rides and train. Merry Christmas, everybody!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Packifier

I am under continual care of a chirpractor. I occasionally take my kids. Our three year old can't say "chiropractor", but instead says "packifier."

Monday, February 11, 2008

Green Bean Aversion

Our little guy, now seven months old, is a black sheep of sorts in the family. Everybody loves green beans in our family. But he cries when Mrs. Scott feeds him green beans. I hate to think I might be raising a child that hates green beans.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Mustard Sandwich

Our three year old eats a mustard sandwich. Two slices of wheat bread with standard yellow mustard on each slice. He puts the two pieces together and eats. Simple, he eats it, is happy, it's funny.